introduce a new kitten

How to introduce a new kitten ?

By Ursula Uranie

August 27, 2024

It can be a daunting task to introduce a new kitten into your home. It’s important to make sure that the introduction is as smooth as possible for both the kitten and the other animals in your home. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to properly introduce a new kitten into your home.

Our story

Although kittens are cute and cuddly, introducing a new one into your home can be a big adjustment for both you and your existing cat. The key to a successful transition is to take things slowly and give everyone plenty of time to get used to the new arrival.

We are guardians of two kittens and we adopted them when they were both 3 months old. They came into our home one month apart, so we had to learn how to properly introduce them to make sure they became best friends forever. It took a few days for them to be ready to meet, and today they are the best soulmates!

In this article, we will share our tips and what worked for us!

The best way to introduce a new kitten into your home

Start by keeping the new kitten in a separate room with all of its supplies, including litter, food, water, toys, and a bed. This will give it a chance to acclimate to its new surroundings without feeling overwhelmed. Make sure that the cats do not see each other until you reach the firsts following steps.

Use scented towels

When introducing a new kitten to a home with multiple rooms, it can help to put a towel with the scent of each cat in each room. This will help the new kitten feel more comfortable and less overwhelmed as they explore their new surroundings.

The scented towels will also help the other cats to adjust to the new kitten’s presence.

In addition, putting scented towels in each room can help to prevent territorial disputes between the cats. By giving each cat their own space, they are less likely to fight over territory. As a result, introducing a new kitten to the home can be a smoother process for all involved.

If there is no hissing, it’s a good sign, otherwise take your time!

Synchronize dinner time

One of the first things you’ll need to do is synchronize the cat diner time. This means making sure that all the cats in your home are eating at the same time. While it may seem like a daunting task, there are a few simple steps you can follow to make it happen.

First, start by feeding the new kitten at the same time as the other cat(s) even if they are in separate rooms. It will help them become accustomed to each other’s schedule.

Next, create a routine for mealtime by always feeding the cats in the same order.

Finally, be patient and consistent with your training, and you’ll soon have all your cats dining together in harmony.

After a few days, you can begin allowing limited interactions between the two cats. They can now start seeing each other at a distance. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the amount of time they spend together.

For example you can feed them while they see each other at a distance and feed them closer everyday until they feel comfortable to eat next to each other.

Schedule playtimes

Start by supervision short periods of playtime, making sure that there is plenty of room for both cats to retreat if they feel overwhelmed. Offer several perches or hiding spots around the house so it can retreat when necessary.

Play with them at the same time and get them closer step by step. Once you see they tolerate each other, you can let them getting use to each other. With patience and time, your cats will eventually become best friends.

Introducing a new kitten into your home can be a big adjustment for both you and your existing cat. The key to a successful transition is to take things slowly and give everyone plenty of time to get used to the new arrival. By following these tips, you can help make the process smoother for all involved.

Please share your own tips for introducing a new kitten into your home in the comments below!

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